The Digimat sequential system is basically a technological solution designed to manage and analyze customer interactions in a service center. The system aims to eliminate congestion by managing and analyzing the customer flow throughout the day. Qmatic systems reduce waste of time and effort for hospitals, municipalities, notaries, banks, clinics, companies and other organizations, and contribute to increasing customer satisfaction and staff productivity.
Digimat queue calling system gives you unlimited number of queues and transactions. It also allows you to have over 50 operators in a single system. The system is managed by both software and physical control panels.
Our experience in queue management enables us to build multifunctional systems.
It is a ticket machine with touch screen and Windows operating system that enables the customer to take turns. Other features include: 18.5 inch vertical touch screen, unlimited submenu, reporting of operations, thermal printer with automatic cutter up to 58 mm. Moreover information message and welcome screen options, 1.5 mm electrostatic painted stainless steel body. Lastly, the LCD has the ability to play pictures or videos on the main display.
The Dot-Matrix LED main display is hung in the waiting areas. It shows the ticket number, the counter number to which the customer should go and the arrow pointing to the direction of that counter. When the customer sees the ticket number, he moves in the direction of the arrow to find the counter and proceeds. Other features: 10 × 40 dots per line, red color, length is 76 mm. Display is able to show the sequence number and the calling counter number together with the direction arrows and also can display information message. It can display up to 10 lines.
The Dot-Matrix LED local display can be hung on any counter. It shows ticket and counter numbers. Other features: 10x40 dot resolution, red color, 3 or 4 digit display capacity, the length is 76 mm and dimensions are 360 x 130 mm. Lastly, it is able to display information message.
It is the unit that allows authorized personnel to call the waiting ticket number. Offers other features: such as calling the waiting ticket number to the counter or transfer the transaction to another counter.The number of people waiting is displayed on the screen. Unit is able to operate individually by entering password or parallel with virtual terminal software.
This is the voice alert unit used to inform counters that a new queue call has been made.
It is a ticket paper that can be easily obtained from the market and used in sequential printers that work with thermal heating method.
12V / 5A power supply. It is recommended to use 1 power supply per 4 counters.
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Phasellus at dolor non nibh rutrum tincidunt ac sit amet tellus. Mauris eget tincidunt odio, sed viverra nisi. Mauris bibendum, libero at sodales pretium, magna lacus venenatis quam, in malesuada ligula risus ac mauris. Integer vitae mi non metus rutrum varius. Cras dolor tortor, vehicula a lacus nec, gravida mattis justo. In feugiat lobortis tortor sed imperdiet. Nam gravida pellentesque lacinia. Nullam hendrerit ex quam, vitae convallis dolor faucibus vel. Nullam nec euismod justo.